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Here's some finalised pieces that I am quite proud of. They vary a bit from video to audio to pieces of writing, but are definitely all mine.


subject: i made a camera bag among other things

This was a little project I set up to dip my toe into DIY video making.



Probably my current crowning achievement. This is a podcast I produced for about two (2) years discovering interesting things about mundane topics.

If you haven/t listened to any yet, start at the most recent ones, and work your way back until they become unlistenable (my editing skill has improved greatly lol).

Link to the Spotify Show (Rhopology)
Dark Blinding Stars

My second and probably best audio drama to date. I edited all this myself. I'll save you the pitch.

Link to the Spotify Show (Dark Blinding Stars)
Crescent Close

My first and shittiest audio drama, here mostly for nostalgic and archival purposes.

Link to the Spotify Show (Crescent Close)


Keeping Bees and Keeping Secrets

Did you think there wasn't gonna be any Fanfiction here? I'm very proud of this piece and how it came out actually! Enjoy.

Keeping Bees // Keeping Secrets