of course I'm not actually done with this site. theres tons of s
tuff I'll be adding in the future, like cleaning up the portfoli
o page and making a proper landing page (as well as a few secret
pages :3 ), but it's a new month (a new year even!) and I have t
o begin work on proper projects that push me towards what I actu
ally want to get good at. not that html isn't fun, but it certai
nly isn't the end goal. but! I feel as though I would be doing a
disservice if I didn't post one last thing here about what I hav
e planned for the future, and what you might see around the plac
here's a few .jpegs I've done for what I eventually want to be t
he landing page of the site. I'm invisioning a messy workbench w
ith items on it you can click on (and maybe move around) that li
nk you to different parts of the site. I also enjoy the sort of,
homestuck-y art style of colour changing stock images, and its
a lot of fun although takes a bit of working to get used to and
I'm not so good on colour theory yet, but we'll get there!
okay, I think that's everything. if I've done everything right t
his should now be catalogued in the archived section, and you'll
hear from me again in about ten (10) days about a brand new proj
ect! happy new year!
20231226 - ok now lets actually implement some CSS, for real this time
I think the reason I have been posting here so often is, well be
cause it is new obviously, but also because I am headed off on h
oliday for the new year on the twenty eighth (28) and am kinda r
ushing to get this in a presentable state by then? also because
it is new, that's definitely a reason also.
I am beginning to feel wary of the feeling I am having with CSS.
that being, everything is coming along very easy, and challenges
I come across I can overcome pretty fast, or with minimal effort
. do not be fooled, this is not something to be celebrated. thes
e easy first steps create a false sense of security that makes f
uture difficulties seem insurmountable. something to definitely
be aware of. that being said, it's not like I'm not having fun.
I managed to figure out the sizing of the < article > tag just b
y googling around, and creating the link between tags and the CS
S felt very good. learning is fun, even if it's relearning haha.
I'm much happier with the new way everything links together with
this fancy sidebar, instead of having to go back to the homepage
every time you want to move around. yuck who thought of that. an
d whilst the positioning of things on the blog page could be imp
roved, I may be accessing this site a lot on mobile (gross I kno
w right) and so having everything off to the left is beneficial
for now, so the mobile version doesn't look absolutely wack.
the last few things to do on this project are the landing page (
which I want to be a big cool gif) and sorting out that portfoli
o page which is currently the bane of my existence. browsing thr
ough other websites is good to grab some presentation ideas so I
'll do that a bit before heading off to sleepytime junction for
tonight. I should get all that done tomorrow, and archiving this
blog page will be the last thing to do, after which I'll be call
ing it good, FOR NOW. I have plenty more ideas, but I have to at
least get a minimum viable product together for peace of mind.
ps. I do not know why people ever migrated to tumblr or myspace
from doing stuff like this. just putting something passable toge
ther is pretty straightforward. I hereby submit my alternate his
tory where every mid naughties blogger got really into html and
geocities never shut down. we'll start at the end of WWII...
pps. do you like this cool new sixty four (64) character format?
I do, I think I might try write a program to convert blocks of t
ext into this format automatically cuz oml its annoying to do by
20231225 - Updates definitely won't be this frequent in the future...
so I've done a bit of cleaning up after the intense bout of prog
ramming yesterday. everything is properly set out as < articles
> and < footers > and shit like that. I've also properly indente
d everything so it makes sense when I'm looking at it. lets see
how long that lasts lol. and check it out! I've even been fiddli
ng around with CSS.
this feels like you could really take it some places (I mean, I'
ve seen people do exactly that) and that you could sink a lot of
time into making it as weird and wonderful as possible. I might
just do that haha. my original plan involved a few more features
, like an admin page I could go to and make a post using a text
box or something, but after a bit of research, that sort of this
is done using databases and SQL and something called PHP and for
now, this is all I really need. so maybe someday? but not for th
e scope of this project. in the meantime, I'll just be crawling
into the code here to make blog posts, but I've tried to make th
at process as straightforward as possible. sorry future me if th
is sucks haha.
but after looking into html and css a little more, perhaps it wi
ll not be so hard to create the point-and-click style webpage I
have been imagining for a while. if I want to implement all the
features I imagine for that then some backend stuff will be need
ed, but a proof of concept with a few cool things might be achie
vable. what I have in mind will certainly require a lot more tha
n just programming in html (picture editing and art and things),
but I'm coming to realise that the most rewarding projects for m
e are the ones that are the culmination of a lot of little steps
and disciplines.
exciting stuff!
20231224 - First project? This website!
Oh my god I remember doing html in tafe and then never ever again. And then liking a tumblr post about neocities. And then deciding I wanted to have something on the internet not constrained by a social media site (like, i could totally take this off neocities at any time this is just very free and cute). I guess all of these things contributed to me being here now making this. Or maybe it was the two thousand dollars (2000) I spent on building a website when I was seventeen (17) that I never used and now here I am. I worry this is too meta of an opening post but this is my site and I can do what I want. And because I wrote all the code I can change it as my needs change (that was the issue with the two thousand dollars (2000) site btw). So maybe this post doesnt stay, or maybe it does. Who knows. I think I've managed to chunk this initial project (the website basics) into... five (5) or six (6) parts, each with a priority level. And this post isn't first, so I'll go start at number one (1). There we go! Its pretty basic! But no CSS yet, just getting everything in one place and... that's it? Some of this stuff goes back to 2020. This is all I have to show? man... here I was really going around thinking myself an artist. This is pitiful.
No matter. This just means that I've got a lot of work ahead of me to build this up to something respectable.