you need to stop being nineteen as soon as possible.

because being nineteen is not thinking about the future. it's scoffing at the idea of putting even an ounce of effort into your job. it's lounging in the heat imagining how incredible it will be when you start work on your magnum opus.

understand that your life is so much longer and so much shorter than you think it is. and make the decicion to not be nineteen.

to not be nineteen is to move across the country and leave behind every distraction you've ammassed. it's to decide that your time is your most precious rescource, and that what you choose to spend your time on has incalculable value for that reason alone. it's to put in one hundred percent effort, always, without fail, because if you're going to manage to do anything worthwhile, its going to take all of you.

this website documents my efforts to try as hard as I can at everything I do, because I no longer see an alternative.

hopefully I don't go crazy.

maybe I'll go a little bit crazy.

stop being nineteen